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Predator News: 3D Blu-ray, Websites, Toys & the Fans!

Hot off of our exclusive interview with Billy (Sonny Landham), we thought we’d continue on with more Predator news. We’ve just learned that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Predator will be coming out in 3D later this year! Yeah, we were excited too thinking it was going to be rereleased in the theater, but no, the film is just coming out on Blu-ray 3D for those of you who own a 3D television. That ‘s still pretty damn cool as there are some great fight scenes and alien special effects that would look out-of-this-word in 3D. Look for it in the 4th quarter of this year. 


Now for you toy collectors, there’s a big new batch of Predator figures that were just released and NECA is at last bringing us Dutch figures with an excellent Arnold likeness! We’ll have more details on these figures soon…stick around!


If you’re on Facebook, LIKE the Predator. We first met Mark Welch when he entered our annual Halloween costume contest. Mark now has teamed up with another ALIEN friend, Rex Kennedy, and together they like to stroll into random stores, restaurants and other places where you’d never expect to see roaming costumed creatures. Follow them on their quests to photo-bomb and scare unsuspecting human beings. Click HERE now to follow AlienLovesPredator! 


Last but not least, we have a story about Sean Watson, an Arnold/Predator fan from South Carolina, who drove 8 hours to The Arnold Sports Festival in order to try to get a glimpse of Arnold and have him sign a Predator movie still. Does Sean succeed after waiting at one spot for six hours without food or drinks? After all of his waiting and waiting, here’s what happened next!

Sean writes: At about 11am, security came around and as my friend had said, they kicked everybody off the carpet and I stood my ground. I couldn’t believe it, I was at the front of the line to see my idol! As Arnold came around the corner to visit each booth, my excitement kept building! I was like a kid again and was very excited, nervous and exhausted. Well, as Arnold came to his booth, his bodyguards formed a complete wall so that no one could get near him. While he was signing merchandise in his booth, it all came down to this! This was the best chance I was gonna get to get a signature for myself! The thought of him not signing my photo crept in and it didn’t look like it was gonna happen! Well, as he came out of his booth, I yelled to him that I was a veteran of the armed forces and one of his detail went to Arnold, whispered in his ear and pointed right at me! In that split instance and in all that confusion and chaos of people trying to get photos and autographs, Arnold looked at me, walked over to me and looked right at my photo that I was holding out! He took the pen from me and took his time signing my photo. 

 This was happening! All the long hours, hundreds of dollars spent and the long drive was worth it! Arnold then handed me back my pen, looked at me again and nodded at me! Then as fast as he came, he left.  I was shaking with excitement and couldn’t believe that he took a moment to sign just my photo! It turned out the person who talked to Arnold for me was my friend that I met on Facebook! I couldn't believe what he done for me! He made a small dream of mine come true and I couldn’t have been happier. It goes to show that if you have a dream or goal, go for it, it is always better to try and fail then to not try and fail! I met some new friends and new memories by taking that chance! Thank you, my friend from Facebook, for helping me complete my mission. I cannot thank you enough!


I also had a chance to meet Carl Weathers at a MonsterMania convention last year in New Jersey. Well, imagine my excitement seeing how I am a big Predator fan! Well, when I met Carl Weathers, I was really surprised on how humble and awesome he was talking to fans! He took time to not only pose for pictures with fans but signed all kinds of collectibles. He was briefly talking about working with Arnold and the rest of the guys on set and was saying how everybody was always trying to look bigger than the other actors while filming! Meeting Carl was an awesome experience and he was really funny and cracked jokes! Just a normal guy enjoying meeting his fans! Very awesome to have met this remarkable actor! 

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