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TAFs Interviews the Visual Effects Supervisor of Escape Plan!

With last week's release of the Escape Plan trailer, movie goers (even general audiences and one-time naysayers) are all now eagerly anticipating this prison break adventure! The Escape Plan trailer not only shows us the two greatest action heroes of all time, it features a few visual effects shots done by Chris Wells and his team at Hydraulx. Pull up a chair and join us while TheArnoldFans interviews Wells, the Visual Effects Supervisor of Escape Plan. 

TheArnoldFans: Can you tell me a little about your team and your effects house? And does everyone go around talking like Sly and Arnold throughout production? 

Wells: Can you imagine how much we were in heaven? We all tried our accents. I think my Sly was better than my Arnold. The effects were done entirely by Hydraulx. I was lucky enough to get the core crew that has worked on many major motion pictures through the years. Much like Arnocorps, Hydraulx is the Ballsy heroes of their field.

TheArnoldFans: For the Hydraulx Escape Plan wrap party, you had our favorite band, ArnoCorps, perform for your VFX team. How did this Los Angeles show go?

Chris Wells: The show was great. I was a big fan before but after meeting the guys I'm even more so. The night was amazing.  It started off as an Escape Plan wrap party but quickly evolved into a party for all artist.  Usually wrap parties happen after filming but these days that's just the first half.  So now the film was truly finished and everyone was very proud of their work so I decided to go bigger.  How better to do that then to get Arnocorps!  The opening bands, Fancy Mansion and Day4Night, were no fluke either.  Some of their band members were actual artist that worked on Escape Plan.  I have to find a way to do this again someday. 

This shot video below shows ArnoCorps playing at the official Hydraulx Escape Plan wrap party.

TheArnoldFans: Without giving us any spoilers, what were some of the more complex and time-consuming visual effects projects from the film? 

Wells: I would love to brag about the work but I want the audience going in raw.  I think the performance and direction is so good I believe our work will go unnoticed...which was our goal. 

TheArnoldFans: You've seen the film already. What will audiences and Arnold fans think of "Escape Plan" and can it break into Arnold's top 10 best?

Wells: I love this film.  I know everyone says that about films they work on but I really enjoyed it.  I think this will be a fan favorite. Top 10?  Of course.

 TheArnoldFans: How many visual effects shots did you do for "Escape Plan"?

 Wells: I hate to be mysterious but I would rather fans not go expecting VFX.  I'll make this sporting.  After the movie is released we should have a contest asking fans to guess the number of VFX shots. Closest wins a prize.  I know the exact number.

TheArnoldFans: Are you a big Arnold fan and did you get to meet him on the set?

 Wells: I am a big Arnold fan.  When I was first approached about the movie all I was told was that it starred Stallone and Schwarzenegger.  Without knowing anything else I said "I'm in!"  I only spoke to Arnold once.  He made a joke, we took some pictures, and that was it.  I spent most of my time talking directly to the director Mikael Hafstrom, Assistant director Nick Satriano, or director of photography Brendan Galvin.

TheArnoldFans: Did you get to talk with the cast much?

Wells: I was always on the go so there wasn't any good or appropriate opportunities for any personal chit-chat.  If he or anyone else from the cast and crew read this I would like them to know that the Escape Plan set was the calmest, smoothest, and most professional onset experience I have ever had.  I believe that was because of the amount of experience of both cast and crew.   It wasn't always easy but it was all handled well by everyone.    

TheArnoldFans: The trailer looks amazing! How many shots in the trailer were done by you guys at Hydraulx?

Wells: There are a handful of large VFX scenes in the trailer and a ton of smaller ones.  I'll let you guys guess which ones they are! What most people don't know is that the bulk of any VFX work comes in the form of augmenting minor parts of the photography. Lots of times Directors and DPs will take a lot more creative risk at what used to be the logistically impossible shots knowing we can help polish it later. These guys did a great job at keeping most of the shots "in camera" but with any large feature like this, there will be things to tweak due to space limitations, safety considerations, and location.  Major props to everyone involved start to finish!  I like the trailer, I found it to be just a taste of what an excellent movie it is!  

TheArnoldFans: Back to the wrap party, were there any producers in the audience watching ArnoCorps and what are the chances the band can be featured in the end credits of "Escape Plan"?

 Wells: Unfortunately the film is done and waiting for it's much anticipated release. However, I did notice on IMDB that Mr. Schwarzenegger is involved with many future tales of Austrian adventures, most notably one of a great king.  Hopefully those film makers have heard the amazing tales of Conan as told by Arnocorps. 

TheArnoldFans: We know your thoughts on the greatest band but what are your top three Arnold movies?

Wells: Conan the Barbarian, Predator and The Terminator! Exactly.

Thanks Chris, we know this movie will blow the roof off in the theaters and it will blow our minds. Wells also worked on Looper, Captain America, The A-Team, 300, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem and loads of other visually stunning action films. We look forward to our next chat with him when he shares more stories AFTER the movie comes out. See you on the red carpet, Chris!

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