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The 14th Annual Halloween Costume Contest Contestants!

Thanks everyone for sending us your submissions for our annual costume contest! This year, our online Arnold party was crashed by Terminators! Usually we see more variety in the costumes but we suppose with Genisys coming out, everyone has Terminator fever! Because there were so many people with the same costume, it made this year's contest extra challenging to pick a winner. We usually award more creative characters extra points so we think we've picked non-terminators in recent years. But this year, after much deliberation, we're actually going with a Terminator winner! So we've picked Arnold fan Francus for the win! Good job Francus; you've got the winning combo: authentic clothes, spiked hair and a good make-up appliance! You're the winner of the prize-pack!
 is our sponsor of Halloween Costume contest so they will be proving our grand prize winner with this Terminator box set! Fright Rags will release a fantastic Terminator box set featuring an Endoskeleton mask with Light-Up Eyes and a Limited Edition T-Shirt. The Endo Mask and T-Shirt come in retro style box packaging! There are only 1,000 total being produced. The retro style box and mask is inspired by the old Ben Cooper costumes that some of you may remember from your childhood if you grew up in the late '70s. This mask and other Terminator shirts are also available at so check them out and place your orders NOW!

The runner-up prize of a big high-five goes to 5-year-old, Winston, as The Terminator! Gillinator was also in the Terminator spirit with a phased plasma rifle in one hand, and a plate of pepperoni rolls in the other! Thanks to all who entered and helped us celebrate Halloween! Sorry there were so many Terminators this year but let's face it, after Terminator Genisys, we expect twice as many next year with such a great character! So get your more creative juices flowing for next year to see if your costume can take down The Terminator!

Finally, here's our latest Arnold Radio News, with a special Top 5 list for Halloween and lots of Genisys talk!

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